Partner • Holistic Care – Nes Mihealth

Partner • Holistic Care – Nes Mihealth 266 189 Aquila Farm

Specialized in holistic care for horses and humans, Ann – Holistic Care offers several services and technologies. First of all, a global physical, energetic and emotional assessment is carried out using the NesHealth system – a bioresonance and biofeedback technology – which identifies any blockages and carries out an energetic rebalancing. This rectification, through the transmission of specific waves, frees up the circulation of energy and information in the body, restoring balance to the body’s field and managing stress.

Having tested Ann’s technologies ourselves, we’re happy to officially work with two of them on a daily basis with our horses, including the MiHealth.

Nes Mihealth - horse recovery

Nes MiHealth

It’s a bioresonance and biofeedback device that identifies existing blockages and performs an energetic rebalancing. This rectification, through the transmission of specific waves, frees up the circulation of energy and information in the body, thus restoring balance to the body’s field and managing stress.

The device enables the body to be evaluated in a matter of seconds for a detailed analysis of the body field specific to each horse, and then act where necessary, with a personalized program for each horse.

Among other things, this technology allows to :

1) prevent chronic diseases and heal injuries faster
2) make the invisible visible by looking behind the symptoms
3) improve general well-being and enhance performance

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